Welcome to Witchery U

Unlock Your Multidimensional Magic + Learn to Bend Time With Business

Welcome to Witchery U

Welcome to the digital education platform by Harvest Rose Witchery, created by its founder, Elena Rose Dumaine.

After building a thriving professional witchery practice, Elena Rose has retired from doing professional spellwork (after casting over 8,000 spells and doing over 2,000 1:1 psychic coaching sessions with clients from all over the world in spiritual, business, and personal development matters) and has turned her eye on the digital worlds of Multidimensional Business and Cosmic Reality education and development.

Please view our current options for joining Witchery U, choose a plan that works for you, and we cannot wait to see you inside!

Why Witchery U?

Witchery U was created to serve as the central online education platform for Harvest Rose Witchery. At Witchery U we are committed to bringing you the highest quality multidimensional education we can, and offer a variety of focuses for your multidimensional needs, from Multidimensional Magic to creating the businesses of the new paradigm for Earth to remembering who the F you are, at Witchery U we are constantly innovating and channeling what the collective needs, and then bringing it to you.

Witchery U is designed to give you one central location for all your multidimensional education needs and is created for The Collective.

When you join Witchery U, you gain access to the energy, vibration and frequency of The Collective, and then we begin to create for you.

What is needed by the individual is needed by the collective, so when you participate in any way in Witchery U, your energy becomes part of The Collective.

It's a multidimensional, magical education experience, all from the comfort of your own space of Earth, together with us in the digital reality.

A Big Thanks

Thank you for following your dreams to your visions to your reality. This journey is about you. Thank you for believing in you and clicking "join". The greatest step is the first. Always remember: YOU are the magic.